~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Steve & Karen Strom's Photography Newsletter Late Spring Activity May 2009 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
in this issue -- Shows for Steve & Karen
-- Earth Forms
-- Photolucida
Greetings! Finally back home! After almost 6 weeks on the road, first in Italy for the printing of Steve's new book, and then in the Pacific Northwest for Photolucida, followed by a vacation on the Oregon coast and the eastern Oregon desert, we have returned to Sonoita and are trying to catch up and take care of all the obligations/opportunities that we accumulated along the way. | |
Shows for Steve & Karen ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Steve has had one of his images of the Haleakula Crater on Maui accepted for a show (Nature's Whispers, Nature's Shouts) at the Vermont Photography Workplace. in Middlebury. | |
Earth Forms ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | |
Photolucida ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Our experience at Photolucida in Portland was very positive for both of us. We saw both international and domestic reviewers, from as far away as China and as near as Scottsdale. Steve has possibilities for several shows, we both have recommendations for other people and galleries to contact, and Karen will have a virtual exhibit at the Griffin Museum of Photography in the future. The reviewer from the Akron Art Museum posted a note in her blog, including Steve's portfolio as one of 8 that really impressed her. One of the reviewers informed Karen that he had purchased 3 of her prints back in the 1980's and had recently donated them to the Houston Museum of Fine Arts. |