~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Steve & Karen Strom's Photography Newsletter
Winter has arrived. January 2012
in this issue -- January Activities
-- Looking Ahead
Greetings! First, we hope that all of you will find 2012 a year of joy, peace and fulfillment. Much of the past month was spent designing and assembling an e-and print- version of a book combining Zen poetry by Richard Clarke and Steve's images taken along the Oregon and northern California coasts. Thanks to Karen's work developing the software tools needed to construct ibooks, e-books for the iPad, including audio, we have produced a beta version of an e-book: Sand Mirrors - not mind, not sand, not water. The book comprises 38 of Richard's poems and 45 of Steve's images, along with audio which allows the reader to enjoy Richard's deep, mellifluous voice while contemplating the images. We are working toward a publication date for the final e- and print- versions sometime after the vernal equinox. We will also offer a limited edition of 25 boxed copies of the book, along with a signed print. Readers of this newsletter are invited to a "sneak preview" of Sand Mirrors on the beta version of the book's website www.sandmirrors.com. To keep current with progress on Sand Mirrors as well as other e-books we are developing, you can subscribe to a special version of this newsletter containing information solely regarding publication progress by selecting the "Join our Mailing List" button at the bottom of the newsletter and adding your name to the Publications list. While Sand Mirrors has consumed most of our cycles, we are also working on a manuscript to complement Steve's "Earth and Mars" portfolio, as well as a catalog to accompany a retrospective show of Steve's images at Verve Gallery (see below). | December & January Activity ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
![]() Two of Karen's images, Fish Creek Wash I, right, and Lichen - Smith Rock State Park, OR, have been accepted for the Bridges exhibit running concurrently with the 2012 Joint Mathematics Meeting in Boston in early January. The show will open on Jan. 4 and run through Jan. 7, 2012. Karen and Steve are in Boston for the show and Karen will attend a mini-course on Math and the Art of M. C. Escher. Steve has one of his images from the Earth Forms series included in the Iconic Arizona exhibit at the Phoenix Museum of Art. This image, Cottonwoods, Canyon de Chelly, also appears in a rotating display on the museum's website page publicizing the exhibit. One of Steve's images, Badlands near Terlingua, TX, has been awarded First Prize in the 25th Annual Members' Only Show of the Texas Photographic Society. The show runs from January 9 - March 9, 2012 at the Options Gallery in Odessa, TX. Steve's image, Death Valley Floor from Dante's View I, has been accepted into the Center for Photographic Arts 2012 Members Show in Carmel, CA. Karen has her image, Weston Beach, Pt. Lobos I, included in the web gallery for that show. ![]() One of Karen's images, Home, has been accepted into theHome show at the Center for Fine Art Photography in Ft. Collins, CO. The show runs from March 2 - 31, 2012 with a reception at the gallery on March 2 from 6 - 9 pm. Karen's image, Warehouse, Marfa, TX, has been accepted for a show with the theme of Dreams, at The Center for Fine Art Photography in Fort Collins, CO. The show will open on Dec. 2 and run through Jan. 7, 2012.
Steve's one person show of his Earth and Mars portfolio at the Etherton Gallery space at the Temple of Music and Art,has traveled northwestward to the gallery at Biosphere 2 this week. If you missed taking in the show during its tenure at the Etherton, we invite you to visit the Biosphere in Oracle. You can view an overview of the show on the Etherton Gallery website.
One of Steve's images will grace the October page in the 2012 calendar for the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance. Spend a few minutes to look at their website and perhaps find a way to help SUWA to protect unique wilderness in Utah. | Looking Ahead ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
![]() Four of Steve's images were selected for Soho Photo Gallery's Small Works exhibit. The show will run from Feb. 8 through March 3. Steve will have a retrospective show at the Verve Gallery in Santa Fe in October 2012 which will include the Earth/Mars images as well as a wider variety of both his recent and earlier work. To order Steve's books through Amazon, click on the book cover. |