~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Steve & Karen Strom's Photography Newsletter
Fall November 2010
in this issue -- December Activities
-- Looking Ahead
Greetings! We had a rewarding trip to the Anza-Borrego desert last month. A highlight was a day spent exploring the Fish Creek Wash in the company of two good friends and the retired director of the Anza-Borrego State Park whose intimate knowledge of the region and its history added to the visual impact of the stunning landscape. After an all too short 3 days in the desert we headed to San Francisco for a day. We'll have a more leisurely stay in the Bay Area later this month. We wish everyone a happy holiday season. | December Activity ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
![]() One of Steve's images, Death Valley Floor from Dante's View I, was accepted into the Natural World exhibit at the Center for Fine Art Photography in Ft. Collins, CO. Natural World is on display in the Center's online gallery and physical gallery from December 3 - 31, 2010 with artists' and public reception on December 3 from 6-9 pm. The juror, Susan Spiritus, will present a gallery talk on December 4 from 1 - 2 pm. Steve has had one of his images of the Painted Hills in Oregon accepted into the 10th annual High & Dry show, a photographic exhibition of peoples and places of the world's dry lands at Texas Tech University in Lubbock, TX. The show, sponsored by the International Center for Arid and Semiarid Land Studies, at the Texas Tech International Cultural Center opens on November 19 and runs through January 14. The reception for exhibitors, at which juror Roy Flukinger will speak, is on December 10 and we will be in attendance. Five of Steve's images have been accepted for the Last Kodachrome Show at the gallery at the Rayko Photo Center in San Francisco. The show will open on December 17 and run through January 21 with an opening reception on Friday, December 17th from 6-8pm. We will also attend that opening reception. Karen has a few of her photographs on display in the Parker Room at Steward Observatory on the University of Arizona campus from Oct. 18 through Dec. 15. Steve has contributed a print to the annual Contemporary Art Auction of the Children's Cancer and Blood Foundation in New York City. This event will take place on December 17. The Christmas Show at the Open Shutter Gallery in Durango, CO will include some of both Steve and Karen's image. | Looking Ahead ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
![]() Karen has had in image, Breakfast at La Chiusa, accepted into the show, Urban View/Rural Sight, at the Minneapolis Photo Center. The show opens with a reception on January 7, 2011 from 7 - 10 pm. The show runs from Jan. 7 - Feb. 20. Steve and Karen have been invited to take part in an upcoming exhibit, Family Ties, at the gallery at Tohono Chul Park. This show will open on January 13th and will explore connections in the work of artists who are related in some manner. In February, the Writer's Round Up comes round again in Patagonia. Steve will be there along with many other regional writers to sign their books for you. |