~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Steve & Karen Strom's Photography Newsletter
Spring ?? April 2012
in this issue -- April Activities
-- Looking Ahead
Greetings! ![]() This last month found us busier than expected following our return from the Atacama desert. While in the Atacama, Steve was contacted by the Center for Southwest Research at the University of New Mexico which expressed strong interest in acquiring a number of his images. In response, we prepared a package, met with the Center director in Albuquerque and departed needing to respond to a request for more than 50 images. Steve is delighted to have his images included in the Center's physical collection, and available on line for scholars and other researchers. Each of us managed to find a bit of time to sort through and begin work on the thousands of images we took during our incredible journey to the Atacama desert. However, most of our cycles were invested in preparing to meet with gallery owners and museum curators at the Palm Springs Photo Festival, an intensive and stimulating gathering of US and international photographers, museum curators, gallerists, and publishers. During a hectic week, we renewed old acquaintances, met a number of new people, attended seminars, and enjoyed a number of profitable discussions with LA, NY and SF gallerists and museum representatives as well as with other photographers. Our goals for April are to complete Sand Mirrors, begin to prepare Earth and Mars for life as an ebook, and to take some time to catch our breath and reflect on where our various projects stand. We will continue to keep you posted! ![]() | March Activity ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Steve has one of his images from the Earth Forms series included in the Iconic Arizona exhibit at the Phoenix Museum of Art. This image, Cottonwoods, Canyon de Chelly, also appears in a rotating display on the museum's website page publicizing the exhibit. Both Karen and Steve have images accepted in the Arizona Centennial exhibit at the gallery at Tohono Chul Park. Karen's image, Tumacacori Mission, and Steve's image, Nazlini mudhills, are in the show.The exhibit runs from January 26 through April 22.
Both Steve and Karen have work accepted into the Beyond the Lens show at the Tubac Center for the Arts. The show opened on March 12 with a reception on March 16. One of Steve's images will grace the October page in the 2012 calendar for the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance. Spend a few minutes to look at their website and perhaps find a way to help SUWA to protect unique wilderness in Utah. | Looking Ahead ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Steve has been accepted into PhotoEspana 2012. He is one of 4 US photographers selected to attend. We will be headed to Spain in June! Steve will have a retrospective show at the Verve Gallery in Santa Fe in October 2012. The exhibit will include the Earth/Mars images as well as a wide variety of both his recent and earlier work. The complete archive of our newsletters is now available on both of our websites. To order Steve's books through Amazon, click on the book cover. |